Friday, December 27, 2019

Comparación entre la visa K-3 y green card

Si eres un ciudadano americano y està ¡s casado con un extranjero que se encuentra fuera de EEUU puedes reclamarlo con una K-3 o con una tarjeta de residencia,  ¿quà © es mejor? Si te has casado y no sabes cuà ¡l es el camino mà ¡s rà ¡pido y conveniente para que tu esposo/a venga a los Estados Unidos a vivir contigo como residente permanente legal lee esta comparativa antes de decidir quà © hacer. Elementos comunes a la K-3 y a la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia para un esposo mediante el formulario I-130 En ambos casos tà º, el ciudadano americano, tienes que enviar la solicitud al Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Si la aprueba, contactarà ¡ directamente con el consulado correspondiente.El consulado citarà ¡ a tu esposo/a para una entrevista y serà ¡ el oficial consular el que decida si aprueba la solicitud de visa K-3 o de la tarjeta de residencia, segà ºn la peticià ³n que tà º le presentaste al USCIS. Quà © pasa si solicitas una K-3 para tu cà ³nyuge La K-3 una visa que permite al esposo/a de un ciudadano americano entrar en Estados Unidos. Una vez aquà ­ deberà ¡ realizar un ajuste de estatus para conseguir la greencard.  A consecuencia de ello hay que dedicar unos seis meses a esta tramitacià ³n. Quà © pasa si solicitas una tarjeta de residencia Si en la entrevista el oficial consular aprueba la peticià ³n, entonces tu cà ³nyuge recibirà ¡ una visa de inmigrante para entrar en Estados Unidos. Cuando llega a la frontera y le sellan el pasaporte se convierte en residente permanente legal. Y en unos meses recibirà ¡ por correo ordinario la tarjeta de residencia. (pero residente es desde el momento en que entra a Estados Unidos).  ¿Cuà ¡l es la ventaja y desventaja de la K-3 sobre la peticià ³n del permiso de residencia? Hubo un tiempo en el que las K-3 se tramitaban de una manera mà ¡s rà ¡pida y por eso habà ­a quien las preferà ­a para acortar el tiempo en el que los esposos permanecà ­an separados. Sin embargo,  hoy en dà ­a esto ya no es asà ­. El tiempo de demora de las tarjetas de residencia para los esposos de los ciudadanos que se encuentran en otro paà ­s varà ­a entre los seis meses y el aà ±o, en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Depende en gran medida de la oficina del USCIS que tramite la peticià ³n y del consulado en el que tiene lugar la entrevista. Otra desventaja de la K-3 que puede afectar a algunas parejas es que la entrevista consular ha de realizarse en el paà ­s en el que se celebrà ³ la boda (excepto si es Estados Unidos, en cuyo caso tendrà ¡ lugar en el consulado del paà ­s en el que viva el novio extranjero). Por ejemplo, si una pareja donde la novia es de Estados Unidos y el novio de Colombia deciden casarse en Parà ­s durante un viaje romà ¡ntico, tienen que saber que la entrevista para el visado no va a tener lugar en ningà ºn consulado colombiano, sino en uno francà ©s. Asà ­ que habrà ­a que viajar a otro paà ­s, con el consiguiente gasto.  ¿Cuà ¡l es la ventaja de pedir directamente la tarjeta de residencia? Que el cà ³nyuge extranjero se convierte en residente nada mà ¡s pisar suelo de los Estados Unidos y ser procesado por un oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la aduana. No es necesario realizar un ajuste de estatus. Y como el tiempo de tramitacià ³n se ha reducido y se asemeja al de las visas K-3, realmente la opcià ³n mà ¡s ventajosa en la mayorà ­a de los casos es la de reclamar una tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. A tener en cuenta Tanto en los casos de visas K-3 como de peticiones de tarjetas de residencia, la greencard serà ¡ condicional por dos aà ±os si los esposos llevan menos de dos aà ±os casados. Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la tarjeta de residencia.  ¡Te ayudarà ¡ a evitar cometer errores! Documentos para realizar las peticiones En ambos casos necesitas rellenar la planilla (forma) I-130. Una vez que es aprobada por el USCIS (te lo notificarà ¡ con un documento conocido como I-797), si deseas seguir el camino de la visa K-3 deberà ¡s rellenar el formulario I-129F, incluir una copia del I-797 y enviarlo a la oficina de Dallas del USCIS.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cybercrime And The Healthcare Industry - 1582 Words

A big concern in society and the healthcare industry, which is just as likely to be a victim as any other industry, is the growing number of attacks caused by cybercrime. Healthcare costs rise because of cyberattacks and there is an increase of safety concerns for patients, not to mention the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is violated. The effects of cybercrime can be damaging to all aspects of the healthcare industry, including but not limited to, consumers, healthcare providers, payers and pharmaceutical companies. The purpose of this research paper is to state facts about cybercrime and the effects it has on the healthcare industry, what actions can be taken for prevention, as well as my opinion on the issue. Cybercrime Facts According to (Cybercrime, n.d.), cybercrime is defined as â€Å"criminal activity or a crime that involves the Internet, computer system, or computer technology†. There are many kinds of cybercrimes, such as the spreading of computer viruses, cyberterrorism, and the stealing of someone’s identity. A computer virus is a piece of malicious programming code that is associated with an attachment. It causes a computer to act in such a way that can be detrimental for the user and is often times unnoticed. When the attachment is opened, it will spread to other computers, therefore infecting them as well (Reynolds, 2014, p. 89). Cyberterrorism is a threat made toward all types of organizations including emergencyShow MoreRelatedThe United States Healthcare System1742 Words   |  7 Pagesday to day lives. The benefits of expediency and the convenience afforded to those who utilize information systems their business dynamics is undeniable. This paper will discuss the various threats and vulnerabilities related to the United States healthcare system as well as government regulations and policies as well as the issues of overall personal data security as a whole. Threat assessment in regards to a cyber- attack and the level of liability in the aftermath of a cyber-attack will also beRead MoreCybercrime Bigger Than Terrorism : Cybercrime1275 Words   |  6 PagesCybercrime bigger than Terrorism. â€Å"There are two kinds of people in America today: those who have experienced a foreign cyber attack and know it, and those who have experienced a foreign cyber attack and don t know it.† (Frank Wolf). The world has become more connected today than ever before. The world’s technology is growing larger and the internet’s traffic is boosting. Major internet-related industries are doubling profits because of the online traffic. With all the wonderful and positive thingsRead MoreImpact Of Cybercrime Today : Government And Private Industry Through Information Sharing Methods1354 Words   |  6 PagesImpacts to cybercrime today is forcing government and security agencies to place focus on cybersecurity within government, private, and public sectors. In 2015, the administration intends to pass legislation to strengthen cybersecurity across the U.S. government and private industry through information sharing methods. Contradictory controversy exists whether the gov ernment may dictate how the private industry should carry out their cybersecurity, if so, is it effective? Over the last severalRead MoreThe Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers Essay744 Words   |  3 Pagesspectrum of products and services in numerous industries including technology, electronics, construction, dairy and livestock. Established almost 100 years ago, ANSI has provided standards for many products including lamps, cameras and computers. The International Organization for Standards (ISO) is a similar body that has an international focus in providing standards for many different sectors including technology, food safety, agriculture and healthcare. Similar in nature to ANSI, ISO was originatedRead MoreInformation Technology Business Model Of The Organization1435 Words   |  6 PagesInformation technology business model of the organization The IT industry business models have changed a lot from past many decades, as compared to the traditional direct selling to providing a free platform and then drawing margin out of it. Historically, IT industry use to work on a model of direct selling, where the companies develop a software or hardware and either it is purchased by direct consumers or vendors, and or the same customers may undergo licensing or maintenance contract. One ofRead MorePrinter Security : Understanding Health Data Security And Print Infrastructure1039 Words   |  5 PagesInfrastructure Although printer security is often overlooked, there are several steps healthcare IT managers can take to properly secure their printer ecosystem. By Mario Doss HP For those who may not see the urgency in printer and software upgrades let me point out how the last two years have seen several high profile, costly health data security breaches from some major healthcare organizations including Anthem Healthcare, Premera Blue Cross BlueShield, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and UCLA HealthRead MoreData Breaches And The Healthcare Industry1676 Words   |  7 PagesSummary of data breaches in hospital industry Data breaches have become common nowadays especially in the healthcare industry. For example, a number of hacking events have been reported in the past years (Croll, 2007). Such events in the healthcare industry, have threatened the safety of private medical records. Since the healthcare environment posses the most valuable information of patients, they are the establishments who are most likely to suffer from hackers. Most importantly, patients worryRead MoreRisk Management Systems Are Designed1453 Words   |  6 Pagesrisk event occur. Hartford Healthcare faces external and internal risks that could hurt the company s bottom line. The risk managers in the organization realize the deviation that these risks could create, therefore they try to contain these risks through a priority type system. They measure risk through severity and frequency, as a result, it was easy to narrow down the top four risks the hospital faces. With that being said, these are the following risks Hartford Healthcare faces according to MaryRead MoreContemporary Issues Of Health Information Management Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesof health records paper based are being replaced with electronic health records. Healthcare quality and safety require that the right information be available at the right time to support patient care and decision support health system management decision. Patient records are primarily legal documenting the healthcare service. The following are some of the contemporary issues in health information management: HEALTHCARE FUTURE GOING MOBILE Read MoreHealth Access Monitor Essay Model1126 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology into a single software run on any mobile device or computer. Fundamentally, HAM would function as a personal medical doctor tailored to the unique needs of a user’s genetics and lifestyle. The era of personalized precision medicine and healthcare is fast-approaching, in which our own unique data will determine our disease risks and treatment needs. Cutting-edge Next-Generation DNA Sequencing (Next-Gen Sequencing or NGS), involving the parallel sequencing of DNA in order to yield substantially

Cybercrime And The Healthcare Industry - 1582 Words

A big concern in society and the healthcare industry, which is just as likely to be a victim as any other industry, is the growing number of attacks caused by cybercrime. Healthcare costs rise because of cyberattacks and there is an increase of safety concerns for patients, not to mention the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is violated. The effects of cybercrime can be damaging to all aspects of the healthcare industry, including but not limited to, consumers, healthcare providers, payers and pharmaceutical companies. The purpose of this research paper is to state facts about cybercrime and the effects it has on the healthcare industry, what actions can be taken for prevention, as well as my opinion on the issue. Cybercrime Facts According to (Cybercrime, n.d.), cybercrime is defined as â€Å"criminal activity or a crime that involves the Internet, computer system, or computer technology†. There are many kinds of cybercrimes, such as the spreading of computer viruses, cyberterrorism, and the stealing of someone’s identity. A computer virus is a piece of malicious programming code that is associated with an attachment. It causes a computer to act in such a way that can be detrimental for the user and is often times unnoticed. When the attachment is opened, it will spread to other computers, therefore infecting them as well (Reynolds, 2014, p. 89). Cyberterrorism is a threat made toward all types of organizations including emergencyShow MoreRelatedThe United States Healthcare System1742 Words   |  7 Pagesday to day lives. The benefits of expediency and the convenience afforded to those who utilize information systems their business dynamics is undeniable. This paper will discuss the various threats and vulnerabilities related to the United States healthcare system as well as government regulations and policies as well as the issues of overall personal data security as a whole. Threat assessment in regards to a cyber- attack and the level of liability in the aftermath of a cyber-attack will also beRead MoreCybercrime Bigger Than Terrorism : Cybercrime1275 Words   |  6 PagesCybercrime bigger than Terrorism. â€Å"There are two kinds of people in America today: those who have experienced a foreign cyber attack and know it, and those who have experienced a foreign cyber attack and don t know it.† (Frank Wolf). The world has become more connected today than ever before. The world’s technology is growing larger and the internet’s traffic is boosting. Major internet-related industries are doubling profits because of the online traffic. With all the wonderful and positive thingsRead MoreImpact Of Cybercrime Today : Government And Private Industry Through Information Sharing Methods1354 Words   |  6 PagesImpacts to cybercrime today is forcing government and security agencies to place focus on cybersecurity within government, private, and public sectors. In 2015, the administration intends to pass legislation to strengthen cybersecurity across the U.S. government and private industry through information sharing methods. Contradictory controversy exists whether the gov ernment may dictate how the private industry should carry out their cybersecurity, if so, is it effective? Over the last severalRead MoreThe Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers Essay744 Words   |  3 Pagesspectrum of products and services in numerous industries including technology, electronics, construction, dairy and livestock. Established almost 100 years ago, ANSI has provided standards for many products including lamps, cameras and computers. The International Organization for Standards (ISO) is a similar body that has an international focus in providing standards for many different sectors including technology, food safety, agriculture and healthcare. Similar in nature to ANSI, ISO was originatedRead MoreInformation Technology Business Model Of The Organization1435 Words   |  6 PagesInformation technology business model of the organization The IT industry business models have changed a lot from past many decades, as compared to the traditional direct selling to providing a free platform and then drawing margin out of it. Historically, IT industry use to work on a model of direct selling, where the companies develop a software or hardware and either it is purchased by direct consumers or vendors, and or the same customers may undergo licensing or maintenance contract. One ofRead MorePrinter Security : Understanding Health Data Security And Print Infrastructure1039 Words   |  5 PagesInfrastructure Although printer security is often overlooked, there are several steps healthcare IT managers can take to properly secure their printer ecosystem. By Mario Doss HP For those who may not see the urgency in printer and software upgrades let me point out how the last two years have seen several high profile, costly health data security breaches from some major healthcare organizations including Anthem Healthcare, Premera Blue Cross BlueShield, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and UCLA HealthRead MoreData Breaches And The Healthcare Industry1676 Words   |  7 PagesSummary of data breaches in hospital industry Data breaches have become common nowadays especially in the healthcare industry. For example, a number of hacking events have been reported in the past years (Croll, 2007). Such events in the healthcare industry, have threatened the safety of private medical records. Since the healthcare environment posses the most valuable information of patients, they are the establishments who are most likely to suffer from hackers. Most importantly, patients worryRead MoreRisk Management Systems Are Designed1453 Words   |  6 Pagesrisk event occur. Hartford Healthcare faces external and internal risks that could hurt the company s bottom line. The risk managers in the organization realize the deviation that these risks could create, therefore they try to contain these risks through a priority type system. They measure risk through severity and frequency, as a result, it was easy to narrow down the top four risks the hospital faces. With that being said, these are the following risks Hartford Healthcare faces according to MaryRead MoreContemporary Issues Of Health Information Management Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesof health records paper based are being replaced with electronic health records. Healthcare quality and safety require that the right information be available at the right time to support patient care and decision support health system management decision. Patient records are primarily legal documenting the healthcare service. The following are some of the contemporary issues in health information management: HEALTHCARE FUTURE GOING MOBILE Read MoreHealth Access Monitor Essay Model1126 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology into a single software run on any mobile device or computer. Fundamentally, HAM would function as a personal medical doctor tailored to the unique needs of a user’s genetics and lifestyle. The era of personalized precision medicine and healthcare is fast-approaching, in which our own unique data will determine our disease risks and treatment needs. Cutting-edge Next-Generation DNA Sequencing (Next-Gen Sequencing or NGS), involving the parallel sequencing of DNA in order to yield substantially

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Art Is a Lie That Brings Us Nearer to the Truth free essay sample

Art is different from most areas of knowledge primarily in terms of its objective and also the means by which it reflects, transforms and expresses them. For art, like philosophy, reflects the reality in its relationship with man, and represents the latter, his spiritual world, and the relations between the individuals and their interactions with the world. Pablo Picasso was known for representing his work in a non-realistic manner. However, the audience could relate to his works; Guernica is an example of his success, since it represented the tragedies of war, which the audience could sympathize with. Hence, we shall ask if by distorting our perception to reality, how art is a lie and how it brings us nearer to the truth? As a result, we will discuss three main points of the Picasso’s quote; art, lies and reality. Then, this will be highlighted with the effect of art in Ethics and, through pertinent examples; we will emphasize the distinction between ethics and art. Finally, we will analyze Picasso’s quote in relation to literature and visual art in contrast to his art. Firstly, how can we assess this quote in relation to art? And what does Picasso mean by the lies and the truth? First, we need to understand that art is an imitation of reality. Indeed, Picasso was an impressionist who produced this imitation with his cubist methods, which was a new form of art as a development of illusionism, and this was the reason why Picasso had denounced art as a lie. On the other hand, the full quote from Picasso was: We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. Zayas) Indeed, not only did Picasso distinguish that the artist had to make art seem like a lie that helped us come nearer to the truth, but he also knew that the arts had to do this in a way that the latter’s manipulation would give the effect of a lie to then justify the art’s link to the truth. Moreover, the truth can be found if someone questions the impact of a work of art on its surrounding. Therefore, the question define s the understanding of a person in the arts through the subjective perspective of the latter. In the work The Glass Menagerie, the opening monologue of Tom Wingfield is almost identical to Picasso’s ideology: Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion. (The Glass Menagerie, Scene I) Clearly, if both the latter quote and Picasso’s are put in parallel, we may deduce that art does not tell the truth as it is. Moreover, art distorts the truth in order to highlight certain aspects. In order to communicate an idea, the artist must represent some tricks and ignore others. Therefore, art is not straightforward in an objective manner, but it is certain that it shows the truth that was not as obvious at first. So, the lie helps art convey and evoke particular emotions through the artist for the audience. Henceforth, can we acknowledge artistic expression as the lie revealing the truth? Not only is artistic expression an expression that evokes the dreams and imaginations of a person, but also if an artist feels certain emotions about something, instead of just describing it, he will create a world, a story or piece of music, in the case of Picasso a painting, where there is the evocation of his own emotions. For example, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield, which is a fictionalized autobiography so that he could express his own personal experiences. So it is a lie, but due to the fact that the emotion is genuine and subjective in itself, the lie brings the audience closer to the truth in order to feel the artist’s emotion, in this case Dickens’. For a musician, it is known that when an artist is involved in his work and gets lost in it, he is not aware of most of what he or she creates, it depends on his subconscious, as the emotions come from it. Consequently, if an artist analyses his own work after finishing it, on one hand, can reveal a new truth in order to understand him or herself and, on the other hand, the audience can learn a new aspect of truth with a lie that the artist had created. But even if a lie opens one’s eyes to the world, whether it is the audience or the arts, does art reflect the artist’s thoughts or are they influenced by facts and current events? Since art is, in effect, an imitation of reality, the realistic movement in literature proves to be one of the most important movements to show life as it is in a work. In particular, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert is one of the best examples to demonstrate that the realistic movement does this. And although the work had great success in France, it raised much debate concerning ethics since it criticized the 19th century French woman and also represented them in a vulgar way. Therefore, Flaubert was considered controversial in his work, which calls into question the degree of freedom given to artists in a society. Indeed, this limitation adds to the lies of art. Furthermore, to what extent are ethics limited when one gets closer to the reasonable truth in relation to the arts? The reasonable truth in art can be determined only by the artist himself, ensuring that the ethical interpretation is always subjective even if a person tries to be objective in his or her interpretation. Take for example, the exhibition of Gunther Von Hagens – the Bodyworlds. Von Hagens is an anatomist who tried to create art using unclaimed bodies, he puts them in positions of everyday life and yet his art was only recognized after an ethical shock that was to such an extent that his art refused to be exposed in Paris. Moreover, Hagens removes the skin from the bodies to prevent racial separation of the latter by his audience. On the one hand, we find that people still culturally tied refuse such a technique of art, placing it as a desecration, due to their respect for the dead. On the other hand, Gunther Von Hagens could be accepted in the future as a pioneer who changed art, as we know it. Therefore, the reason of the â€Å"ethics of art† depends purely on the emotional perception, due to cultural attachment, of the person who is subject to the work of art. However, can art, as a domain of emotion, be related to any domain in the world? Of course, art can be found in everything that surrounds us. Since contemporary art, it looms that â€Å"anything† can be classified as art. But even if anything can be art, this does not mean that the latter’s artistic message will be well received. It depends on the level to which the audience shall appreciate the art, and it is because of this that contemporary art is still a controversial subject. In addition, compared to areas of knowledge, to what extent is art related to the truth suggested by Pablo Picasso? As already explained, the truth of art is achieved through an understanding of a work and that is why the relationship between ways of knowing and art related in a subjective way because, ethically, each person has his or her own thinking. Thus, even if a person thinks in a mathematical perspective, he or she will try to frame the art in an absolute truth, but will always be limited by what brings them closer to this reality. Finally, to what extent is art a lie bringing us nearer to the truth, why is it so abstract when it binds the different types of art from the truth? Two types of art can be distinguished: Literature and Visual Arts. In literature, we often find that authors writing their works under the influence of external factors affecting his subconscious. However, there are exceptions such as the latters’ biographical novels, fantasy, etc. But compared to Picasso’s quote, all literary works have this concept of a lie that reveals the truth. An example would be the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. By, using allegory to tell his story, he manages to criticize the situation in the USSR during the Cold War. This lie is a truth disguised as animals, which is the reason that this novel allows us to conclude that art is a lie that brings us nearer to the truth. Furthermore, in visual art, lies used depend on the manipulation of the artist. But, particularly, in abstract art, the manipulation of shapes that the audience recognize aides in hiding the truth by an ambiguous lie. It is through this lie that art could be appreciated. To conclude, we can see through the various examples used that art shows us something that have not already realized, and it is due to this notion that Pablo Picasso declares such a quote. Indeed, the latter is reflected in all fields of art and its difference with ethics is not far away. However, instead of distinguishing this truth directly as in ethics, it is best to keep in art the hidden truth to be better noticed and valued because the lie bringing the audience nearer to the truth is what gives art it’s true significance.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Role of Geographic Information Systems in Climatology free essay sample

Climate change is a problem that is affecting people and the environment in the modern world. The average weather conditions are changing and the intensity of extreme weather events is becoming greater. It remains to be seen if this is a natural progression of the earth over time or if humans are exacerbating it, but it is clear that there is a change occurring in today’s weather patterns. The purpose of this literature review is to look at current studies in climatology and the role that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) plays in helping to visualize the effects weather is having on the Earth. Climatology and GIS Climatology and GIS separately are broad fields covering many topics that vary in scope. To receive an overview of climatology and GIS used in conjunction with each other, the article that will be first discussed examines the use of GIS in the field of climatology and meteorology. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Geographic Information Systems in Climatology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The study breaks down climatology and meteorology into the subfields of agriculture, ecology, forestry, health and disease, weather forecasting, hydrology, transport, urban environments, and energy (Chapman 2007). The article looks at applied research in spatial climate data. Results of this study provide evidence that the use of GIS is an integral part of the ongoing study of climatology. GIS has evolved into a powerful management tool used for capturing, modeling, analyzing, and displaying spatial data (Chapman 2007). Since climatological phenomena happen in spatial variables, it makes GIS a useful application to manage spatial climate datasets. Applications of Climatology and GIS GIS maps have enabled researchers looking at environmental impacts of the variations of climate at a variety of scales, but I will focus on two main aspects of applications within the field of Climatology. The two focuses will be on applications within agriculture and ecology. This section will outline literature that use GIS as a tool to analyze climate datasets. Agriculture There is potential for GIS to help in the field of agricultural climatology by helping to predict yields, fertility, and future climate models. An example of this is provided by (McKenney 2000) using thin plate splines to model climate gradients in Canada to determine plant hardiness zones. By using a trivariate position of latitude, longitude, and elevation, maps of temperature, and rainfall enabled the mapping of each variable required for plant hardiness at a 1km resolution (McKenney 2000). The methods that are provided show a repeatable, objective approach to mapping climate and plant hardiness that can be used throughout the world. Spatially reliable estimates of climate provide a better basis for assessing climate impacts, with or without climate change. Elevation is an important part for determining both temperature and precipitation. When overlaying the new map of plant hardiness with the old map of plant hardiness in Canada you can see that changes are more pronounced in western Canada, and are consistent with what is known about climate change. The zones are associated with probabilities of plant survival in relation to average; broad scale conditions (McKenney 2000). Extreme variations, local topography and human interventions can have a significant impact on plant survival in any particular location. Another example of the use of GIS techniques in agricultural climatology is in McKenney et al. (2007) where they look at traditional plant hardiness zone maps to identify areas that are relatively homogenous with respect to climate conditions that affect plant survival. Using climate envelopes to map the potential range of plant species in North America in wild and cultivated settings they show the predicated climate change impacts can be incorporated into models. The plant hardiness zones are traditionally defined by using extreme minimum temperature (McKenney 2007). In their different approach to looking at traditional plant hardiness zones, they attempt to develop a generic, transparent, and repeatable process for showing the potential distribution of large numbers of perennial plant species. In order to accomplish this they summarize the minimum and maximum values for different climate variables at locations where a species is known to survive and then mapping the potential range of the species by identifying all locations with conditions that fall within those extents (McKenney 2007). With the climate envelope approach, it is relatively simple way to incorporate predicted impacts related to climate change. In the study, (Dockerty 2003), they use climate models to show the potential impacts of climate change on nature reserves by looking at 241 plant species from a sample of 86 nature reserves in Great Britain. Present-day and potential future climatic values over the next 100 years are compared against the climatic ranges of the species to determine future climatic suitability for species at each site. The results showed that warming climate would favor a large portion of plants on Scottish reserves and be less favorable for many plant reserves in the south of England (Dockerty 2003). They overlayed climate envelopes of the same species found together as fossils to estimate past temperatures at the site from the area of overlap of climatic envelopes. They created the model using ArcGIS to show potential future values of variables at different location derived from three climate change scenarios. Future climate scenarios are constructed and the climatic values from these scenarios are used with the climate space models to determine the likelihood of the species occurrence at the location in the future as the climate changes (Dockerty 2003). The results in the article show that the models used are capable of providing a tool to help conservation resources towards protecting communities in regions that are least likely to be negatively impacted by climate change. Species respond individually to climate change and can be evaluated at a particular location to show that increases in temperature will lead to climates that are more optimal to some species and less optimal for the same species in different locations. A GIS-based computer model was used to identify climate change adaptation ssues arising in regional agricultural production systems in the article, (Sposito 2009), by integrating land suitability analysis with uncertainty analysis to determine optimal agricultural land at a regional scale. This study involves the South West region of Victoria, Australia and looks at current and future climate conditions and the adaptation responses to the challenge posed by climate change. The article identifies areas that are under threat of productivity decline and suggest alternative agriculture commodities that would be more suitable under different climate conditions. The model uses multi-criteria decision making and GIS to map the degree of land suitability for the growth of several agricultural commodities, given current and future climate conditions (Sposito 2009). Agriculture covers 60% of the state’s total land surface and was the reason Victoria, Australia was chosen for this model. The baseline year chosen was 2000 and the future predictions were for the year 2050. The model was created in ArcView GIS and ranked areas in terms of suitability for the growth of the commodity under consideration. The regional areas that may be unsuitable for a current agricultural system may one day become suitable in the future because of climate change. Exploring the possibility of interpreting climate impacts and presenting it in GIS-based visualizations that can be used at the local level can be found in Dockerty (2005). A GIS database was constructed for Norfolk in Great Britain to show the agricultural landscape that undergoes climate change in the 2020s. The article focuses on expressing climate change in a visual format because it can be absorbed by the human brain much more efficiently than textual information. They link GIS databases with more sophisticated visualization tools to be able to alter viewpoints, terrain, or positions of buildings and vegetation (Dockerty 2005). It is necessary to create future scenarios that exclude climate change effects alongside scenarios that include climate change effects to be able to prepare for all possible future outcomes. GIS is also used in agriculture to monitor future air temperature and precipitation that will have potential effects on plant yields. In Ninyerola (2000), the article studies the modeling and mapping of air temperature and total precipitation using GIS techniques. The geographical area that is used is in northeast Spain where they developed multiple regression analysis between meteorological variables and geographical variables to produce a general model that can be used over a relatively large area. These techniques are used to create accurate and objective monthly and annual climatic maps of air temperature and precipitation that can be used to show where plant species will be able to grow with maximum yields and to show where future problems will occur for plant species due to temperature and precipitation changes over time. Ecology In much the same way that potential crop distribution can be modeled with GIS, ecological biodiversity can be modeled with respect to spatial climate datasets (Chapman 2007). For example, Eatherall (1996) looks at future climate scenarios that have been applied to five United Kingdom sites to see if they are sensitive to climate change using a model based approach. The model is used to show the effect of the other sub-models on the grassland model. The linked model consists of water balance, grassland, evapotranspiration, and interactions between sub-models (Eatherall 1996). The models show that there is a significant impact on United Kingdom grassland productivity and water resource planning due to impacts of future climate change. In Cowell (2003), they look at uncertainty theories with GIS for modeling coastal hazards of climate change. They present a GIS model that integrates existing predictive model using a differential approach, random simulation, and fuzzy set theory for predicting coastal hazards as effects of sea-level induced recession and storm erosion (Cowell 2003). The model can be used to predict different scenarios of coastal hazards with uncertainties, but can be used in other fields that involve predictive modeling under uncertainty. The coastal impact of climate change looks at greater frequency of storm surge, sea-level rise of ocean water, and the changes in wave patterns. The uncertainties that are involved in this study are a result of the highly complex nature of coastal processes that are found across time and space. Grid raster-based modeling techniques were used in this model. The study area, Fingal Bay Beach, is located north of Sydney, Australia and was selected because it represented a typical beach in SE Australia. This study shows that differential, fuzzy set, and random simulation models can be combined to predict hazard probability due to coastal impact of climate change (Cowell 2003). The demand for developing and using environmentally friendly renewable energy has lead to an increase in the use of wind farms. In the article Baban et. al (2000) looks at applying a GIS-assisted approach to locating wind farms in the United Kingdom. A GIS model was created to apply criteria using two different methods to combine layers that were first weighted as equally important and then were graded as perceived importance. The criteria used to locate areas that are suitable for wind farms were compiled by sending out questionnaires to both the public and private sector. The major factors that were included were proximity to residential areas, noise, greenbelt, topography, ecology, conservation areas, and distance from electricity gridlines (Baban 2000). GIS was used to give weights to each layer and different scores to each attribute within the layers using reclassification and buffer generation methods. The maps show the most and least suitable areas for locating wind farms. GIS has the capability to manage large amounts of data while being able to be used for modeling impacts of proposed and operational sites to avoid future climate change problems created by current energy resources. Conclusions In recent years, the use of GIS in a variety of applications involving the process of climatological data has increased. GIS can be used to derive and enhance data by taking climate change data and producing maps that can be used for a variety of different applications. The use of GIS has increased due to the more commercial presence of GIS products on the market, as well as the advances in computer processing ability. As computers become increasingly able to handle high-resolution datasets, the easier it will be to use GIS in climatology and to manage the manipulation of spatial data. They have shown through applications in agriculture and ecology climatology support the future use of GIS as a legitimate tool to be used in both scholarly and professional applications.