Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essays

Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essays Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essay Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essay During the MDG government, the Asia-Pacific part has done more or less good on the major marks. Poverty has been tackled to a great extent. Access of the kids to basic instruction has been expanded. Significant degree of gender para has been achieved. Despite the success, there will hence be a important unfinished agenda’ . About 743 million people in the part still live on less than $ 1.25 a twenty-four hours and if the poorness benchmark is $ 2 a twenty-four hours, the figure rises to 1.64 billion, uncovering a high grade of exposure ; some 900 million people could easy fall into low poorness ( below the $ 1.25 a twenty-four hours poorness line ) due to personal bad luck or economic dazes or natural catastrophes. Low quality instruction continues to be a major challenge in the part. The Asia-Pacific part has non performed good on wellness marks compared to other MDG marks. In 2011, there were around 3 million deceases of kids under five, and about 20 million births were non attended by skilled wellness forces. Unplanned urbanisation is emerging as a major challenge ; every twenty-four hours an estimated 120,000 people are migrating to metropoliss in the Asia-Pacific part and between 2010 and 2050, the proportion of people populating in urban countries is likely to turn from 42 to 63 per cent. The Asia-Pacific part will be difficult hit by a altering clime. This is likely to sabotage both nutrient security and supports, and convey immense economic and societal costs. Inequality is lifting in tandem with economic growing presenting a existent challenge to just distribution of benefits of economic development. On the other manus, this part is besides a development paradox. Following the sustained economic success of the development provinces of the East Asia, the rise of India and China has successfully drawn world’s attending to the part. While more just, humane and classless development is expected in the post-2015 development government, the function of public disposal and administration would be more critical to turn to the current development challenges and spreads. Furthermore, under the current globalisation procedure, public disposal as an academic subject and a tool of development is sing unprecedented alterations. Against this background, NAPSIPAG International Conference 2014 seeks to revisit the broader facet of Asiatic administration and public disposal in the position of the post-2015 development docket. The conference will be an chance for the bookmans, faculty members, research workers and practicians to portion cognition, thoughts and penetrations to heighten the quality of administration and public services in the Asia-Pacific part, and to supply policy deductions to turn to the development challenges. There are five broad-based sub-themes around the major focal point of the conference. The sub-themes provide chances to look at the issues in a more elaborate and focussed manner. Interested bookmans and practicians are invited to portion their experiences, discuss their positions and present concrete proposals to help administration and public services in the Asia-Pacific part to execute better to get the better of the development challenges, peculiarly poorness and inequality. More specifically, participants of the conference are encouraged to show their critical positions for edifice development schemes that promote sustainable and classless development and just administration patterns in the Asia-Pacific part. Sub-theme 1: Effective and AccountablePublic GovernanceSystem This sub-theme is expected to map the current challenges that the public disposal system is exposed to, enter the state specific good patterns that help the public disposal deliver better and suggest hereafter schemes to get the better of the development challenges. Making the Public Administration Deliver Better and the Question of Capability ; Ethical motives and Accountability in Governance and the Public Service ; Citizens’ Engagement in Development Strategy and Equitable Development ; Intensifying Democratic Governance and Public Oversights ; Sub-theme 2: Administration and Non-state Stakeholders The function of the non-government sector and civil society in administration and development is progressively apparent across the universe. These stakeholders play critical function peculiarly where public sector administration and answerability is hapless and weak. Furthermore, as they are more affiliated with the citizens, they provide critical and alternate attacks to development and administration. This sub-them seeks to portion successful experiences of the non-state stakeholders in advancing administration quality and answerability. It may besides cover with the current challenges and restraints that prevent them from playing effectual functions. Youth ParticipationinGovernanceandDevelopmentInterventions ; Empowering the Marginalized Groups including Women ; Making Development Trajectories Pro-people ; Sub-theme 3: Private Sector and Development Private sector has been the taking spouse of the authoritiess to maneuver development at the state degree. Strong authoritiess provide strong policy support to the private sector to boom and make concern in a better environment. In all developed and lifting economic systems, private sector has been the major employers. Therefore, administration of the private sector needs to be revisited to understand the policy insufficiency, administration challenges and the degree of private sector’s part to development. Prosecuting Private Sector in Development Policy Support and Governance ; Social Business and Sustainable Development ; Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) and Development Financing ; Sub-theme 4:Environment, Governanceand Development The Asia-Pacific is the most vulnerable part in footings of the consequence of clime alteration. Many states of the part are the direct victims of clime alteration. Despite planetary committednesss, states of this part face immense challenges in footings of extenuation and version. Huge resources are needed to implement activities to guarantee appropriate execution of policies for extenuation and version. While most of the hapless states are non responsible for this current signifier of clime alteration, yet administration in every state is of import to guarantee more rejuvenation of the economic system to countervail the challenges. However, it is besides of import to observe that sometimes green’ is used as a arm against the economic development aspiration of the hapless states. Climate Change and Development- Challenges of Mitigation, Adaptation and Sustainability ; Greening the Economy- Does Governance Matter and Is it Really Needed ; Sub-theme 5: Technology,Administrationand Service Delivery The usage of ICT as a tool has generated a revolution in administration and development. ICT has contributed to widening people’s entree to administration and development policy. Service bringing has been accelerated through ICT. Many states have been successful to guarantee answerability and efficiency in administration by utilizing ICT induced tools and schemes. Cross-country experiences will assist consolidate the current success and develop more appropriate schemes for farther development. ICT and Accountable and Efficient Governance ; ICT and Citizens’ Engagement and Service Accessibility ; ICT and Cost Effective Governance ; Abstract and Paper Submission Abstract should be submitted electronically to napsipaginfo @ on or before15 September 2014. Abstract should non transcend 600 words and trade with the undermentioned sections- The cardinal subject of the paper in 50-80 words ; Hypothesis in 50 words ; Cardinal statements in brief ; A brief baseline literature ( books, studies, narrations and public paperss ) on which the paper would be based upon in 150 -200 words ; Methodology and theoretical foundation in 150 words ; All abstracts will be peer reviewed by a panel of experts. While entry, the sub-theme the abstract falls under should clearly be mentioned. Writers of the successful abstracts will be communicated by 30 September 2014. Full paper non transcending 5000-8000 words should be submitted by30 October 2014. Conference Information NAPSIPAG Country Coordinator:Prof. Dr. M Shamsur Rahman Conference Steering Committee Prof. Akbaruddin AhmadConvener Prof. M Shamsur Rahman Co-convener Prof. Nasim BanuMember Maj General Shafiqul Islam ( Retd ) Member Dr. S M Sanaul Haque Member Mr. Afeefuddin AhmedMember Dr. Mohammad Mizanur RahmanMember Mr. Md. Zamil HossainMember Prof. Nusrat SultanaMember Mr. Sheikh Md. Ismail HossainSecretarial Support and Coordination Conference Secretariat Prof. Akbaruddin Ahmad, Email: akbaruddinahmad @ Prof. M Shamsur Rahman, Email: rehmanmshamsur @ Dr. S M Sanaul Haque, Email: sanaulhq @ Dr. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Email: mizan.civilservice @ Mr. Sheikh Md. Ismail Hossain, Email: napsipaginfo @ 1 | Pageof 2

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on White Collar Crime

Chained Factory Fire Exits Media Coverage of Corporate Crime That Killed 25 Workers John P. Wright, Francis T. Cullen, and Michael B. Blankenship The â€Å"Chained Factory Fire Exits† chapter is an excellent example of how news media frequently focuses on street crimes and therefore neglects to report coverage in other areas. In this day and age, the media does not seem to be interested in what news really happens, but rather in what news sells. This incident in particular proves that media coverage is influenced by the â€Å"hottest† and most interesting topics. As time moves on after an incident, coverage decreases as other more current events catch the public’s attention. In my opinion it is quite disturbing how a catastrophic event which took the lives of twenty-five people and injured fifty-six could be so quickly forgotten, misreported, and even unreported. The Imperial Food Products, Inc. fire probably receives more attention now in White Collar Crime classes, as well as in other Sociology and History classes, than it did at the time of the occurrence. It has been over a decade and we seem to be more interested in what really happened now, than at the time of the accident. If you mentioned the name Emmett Roe or even Imperial Food Products to your parents, grandparents, or even to your friends most would probably look back at you with a blank stare. That is a sign of great media coverage right? However, mention the incident to a Sociology Major or Minor and you are sure to get a response. Emmett Roe, however, was not the only person at fault for the loss of lives and injuries at the Imperial Food Products, Inc. plant in Hamlet, North Carolina on September 3, 1991. Although Roe authorized the padlocking of the factory doors because of his suspicion of chicken part theft by his employees, there are other factors that have to be taken into account that contributed to the catastrophe. The building whi... Free Essays on White Collar Crime Free Essays on White Collar Crime There is an immense debate on the significance of white- collar crime in societies’ current definition of crime. Many scholars argue that street crime is more serious than white- collar crime because they believe that the focus of crime should be on such things as rape, murder, threats, and larceny. These scholars say that white- collar crime is less important because there is less of it in the media and street crime happens more often. I on the other hand agree that white- collar crime should have a major role in society’s definition of crime because it effects more people and happens more often than we know. I agree that white- collar crime is more serious than street crime. Scholars argue that street crime is more serious that white- collar crime. They say that street crime happens more frequently. â€Å"Using interviews and questionnaires, scholars have discovered that the majority of all young males have broken the law at least once by a relatively early age.† (Taking Sides; Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Crime and Criminology, Richard C. Monk, pg. 57) Newspapers, television and other forms of media embrace street crime and show it more often than white- collar crime news. Scholars that view street crime as worse than white- collar crime also say that the definition of crime does not include white- collar crime. They tend to say that the definition embodies only â€Å"serious† crimes. To them, the definition of serious can be exemplified by such things as rape, murder, threatening and larceny. Other scholars argue that white- collar crime is more serious than street crime because the definition of â€Å"crime† as it is used in American society today does not include all types of crime. They believe that the definition includes white- collar crime as well as street crime but society does not include it in its use. Also, white- collar crime affects more people than conventional street crime. In a certain instance, a... Free Essays on White Collar Crime A term becoming more frequently heard in societies around the world is â€Å"White Collar Crime.† White collar crime affects each and everyone one of us every single day. White collar crime can be conducted by multibillion-dollar companies such as Enron, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems, and or local mom and pop shops. This research paper will discuss the discovery of white collar crime it will define what white collar crime is; analyze the history of it, discuss the different types of white collar crimes, and lastly its victims. In order to understand what white collar crime is we must first define it. Throughout the years various definitions of white collar crime have been attempted. Many of these definitions have found to be vague and inconsistent with concept of the founder of â€Å"white collar crimes† Edward Sutherland. After several hours of research, I have found that the most accurate definition of white collar crime is described by Professor Julie O’ Sullivan. O’Sullivan (2002) states that, â€Å"White Collar Crime offenses shall constitute those classes of non-violent illegal activities which principally involve traditional notions of deceit, deception, concealment, manipulation, breach of trust, subterfuge or illegal circumvention†. Furthermore, â€Å"It should be noted that while ‘street crimes’ of physical violence, such as burglary, robbery or assault, are not included, some white collar offenses such as violations of laws protecting the environmen t or the purity and healthfulness of our foods and drugs, can cause serious physical harm, and even death† (O’Sullivan 2002). After examining the definition, we can conclude that even if white collar crimes are that of a non-violent nature they can still inflict serious physical health problems and or even death. The discovery of white collar crimes can be much admired by the founder Edward H. Sutherland. Edward H. Sutherland discovered the concept of what is no... Free Essays on White Collar Crime Chained Factory Fire Exits Media Coverage of Corporate Crime That Killed 25 Workers John P. Wright, Francis T. Cullen, and Michael B. Blankenship The â€Å"Chained Factory Fire Exits† chapter is an excellent example of how news media frequently focuses on street crimes and therefore neglects to report coverage in other areas. In this day and age, the media does not seem to be interested in what news really happens, but rather in what news sells. This incident in particular proves that media coverage is influenced by the â€Å"hottest† and most interesting topics. As time moves on after an incident, coverage decreases as other more current events catch the public’s attention. In my opinion it is quite disturbing how a catastrophic event which took the lives of twenty-five people and injured fifty-six could be so quickly forgotten, misreported, and even unreported. The Imperial Food Products, Inc. fire probably receives more attention now in White Collar Crime classes, as well as in other Sociology and History classes, than it did at the time of the occurrence. It has been over a decade and we seem to be more interested in what really happened now, than at the time of the accident. If you mentioned the name Emmett Roe or even Imperial Food Products to your parents, grandparents, or even to your friends most would probably look back at you with a blank stare. That is a sign of great media coverage right? However, mention the incident to a Sociology Major or Minor and you are sure to get a response. Emmett Roe, however, was not the only person at fault for the loss of lives and injuries at the Imperial Food Products, Inc. plant in Hamlet, North Carolina on September 3, 1991. Although Roe authorized the padlocking of the factory doors because of his suspicion of chicken part theft by his employees, there are other factors that have to be taken into account that contributed to the catastrophe. The building whi... Free Essays on White Collar Crime Why does white collar and corporate crime tend to go undetected, Or if detected not prosecuted White collar and corporate crimes are crimes that many people do not associate with criminal activity. Yet the cost to the country due to corporate and white collar crime far exceeds that of â€Å"street† crime and benefit fraud. White collar and corporate crimes refer to crimes that take place within a business or institution and include everything from Tax fraud to health and safety breaches. Corporate crime is extremely difficult to detect for many reasons. One major reason is that many people do not realise a crime is being committed as corporate crime is often seen as a victimless crime. At face value this may seem to be the case but if you look deeper you will see that this is not true. Every year the FBI estimates that 19,000 Americans are murdered every year compared with the 56,000 Americans who die every year from occupational disease such as black lung and asbestosis (Russell Mokhiber 2000). Deaths Caused by corporate crime are also very indirect so it can be very difficult to trace the problem to the corporation. Another reason it can be difficult to detect corporate crime is that directors within a corporation are unlikely to report the criminal activity of their colleges for the fear that it will hinder their own career success and could even lead to them losing their jobs. Within a company illegal practices could be seen by many as the â€Å"in thing† and the people working within that environment may not see what they are doing as morally wrong. The issue of the lack of media coverage of these types of crimes must also not be over looked. Many newspaper editors would chose to run a story about a violent assault or brutal murder over a story involving a corporate crime. This is a major factor contributing to the publics ignorance or corporate crime. Even if corporate crime is detected it can be very difficult ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An artist from time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

An artist from time - Essay Example His major interest was human psychology, his portraits and self-portraits exhibiting his penetration of character. Rembrandt was the ninth and the most gifted child of a miller and a baker. After finishing a Latin school he was sent to the university. His inclination to painting made his parents give him in apprenticeship to the local painter Jacob Isaacszoon van Swaneneburg (1619-22). However, Rembrandt got his chief training during the six month (around 1923) of apprenticeship in the studio of Pieter Lastman, the Amsterdam leading painter of biblical, mythological, and historical pictures of that time. Here Rembrandt learnt to draw grand subjects in a broad format, paying careful attention to dramatic gestures, compositional grouping, the details of ancient costumes and setting. It was here that Rembrandt got acquainted with works of the major baroque artists, with their interest to light and shadow and human emotions. The baroque style was characterized with naturalistic illusionism, underlined by dramatic lighting effects, high sense of theatricality, movement of forms and energy. Baroque ar tists strove to make art close and clear to common people. Unlike the Renaissance art with its focus on reason, Baroque paintings represented emotions, capturing the most dramatic points of the action occurring (Heindorff 2006). Rembrandt learnt the art of gesture and light from Elsheimer, Caravaggio, van Honthorst and other representatives of the baroque style. At the age of 22 Rembrandt opened a studio in Leiden, and in 1627 started accepting students. Later in 1631 Rembrandt moved to Amsterdam, became a professional portraitist and had students, among whom were most of the future prominent artists of Holland. (Encyclopedia Britannica 2006; Heindorff 2006). Danae, the mythological painting of 1636, relates to the early Amsterdam period in Rembrandt’s career. It was the time when he emulated the baroque style of Rubens. As usual, Rembrandt denied the